Thursday, October 31, 2019

Assignment 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 9

2 - Assignment Example The questions are appropriate for use when there is no time available for a comprehensive research. They are also used when marketing researchers want to obtain data on consumers’ background information. Their purpose is to elicit specific information in a simple way and use the data to ascertain the statistical significance of other market survey results (Reid & Bojanic, 2010). Open-ended questions are investigative, and they provide rich qualitative data. It allows respondents to give answers they think are most appropriate. The questions provide marketing researchers with the opportunity to gain insight into various opinions on topics they are not conversant with. Due to the questions’ qualitative nature, they cannot provide sound statistical significance necessary for a conclusive research. They are appropriate for use when doing marketing research that involves small groupings of people. They can also be used when a researcher wants to gain preliminary information before he or she can proceed to a quantitative research. The questions main purpose is to help marketing researchers obtain in-depth information and facts about a product (Reid & Bojanic,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Political Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 11

Political Science - Essay Example Frederick Douglass defined the celebration of the Fourth of July from the point of view of an African American in his 1852 speech at Rochester, New York. At that time, slavery of African Americans was at its peak and he was the first to address the feelings true of an American Slave toward the celebration of Fourth of July as he sees t as â€Å"mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy [†¦covering] up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages† (Douglass). The Declaration of Independence was not only about getting independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain but was also about freedom, equality, and liberty. The members of the Continental Congress firmly believed that â€Å"all men are created equal† and thus have certain â€Å"unalienable rights† including those of â€Å"life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness† (Digital History). They made it clear in the declaration that it is the responsibility of the government to secure these rights of every American citizen and should a government fail to do so, or becomes a threat itself, the people have the right to â€Å"alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government†(Digital History). These are the foundations that were laid by the forefathers of America and this is where the true meaning of Fourth of July lies. In a study conducted by the National Assessment of Educational Progress in 2011, it was found that only 25 per cent of fourth grade students were aware of the purpose of Declaration of Independence while 26 per cent of the total adults surveyed by a public opinion institute were not aware of the fact that America gained independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain (Shammas). It is clear from this survey that the true spirit of Fourth of July is dying. For me, Fourth of July is still about freedom, liberty, and pursuit of happiness not just for myself, but for all the Americans. Unfortunately, the speech made by Frederick Douglas is still true today as not all

Sunday, October 27, 2019

what an overall research methodology is

what an overall research methodology is This section discussed what an overall research methodology is and why and what research tools and methods has been adopted to gain and analyze results. The chapter begins with the research purpose which is followed through the research philosophy, research approach then research strategy and data collection method. There is a fixed aim and objectives in this research which have to be response hence it is really important to categorize approaches and procedures which is used by a researcher for the research accomplishment. 3.2 Research purpose According to Burns, R. (2000) researches are methodical and organize investigation to solve problem. Saunders, M. et al., (2003) stated that studies can be classified by purpose or an employed strategy and Yin, R. (2003), Neuman, W. Kreugar, L. (2003) distinguished research purpose as exploratory (explore a new topic), descriptive (describe a social phenomena) and explanatory (explain why something happen). Saunders, M. et al., (2003) add that it is likely to have more than one purpose and approach for research intentions and that purpose possibly change in the course of an investigation. In the view of Cooper, D. Schindler, P. (2003) researches are dissimilar to theories because research techniques could not be correct or wrong but they may be more or lesser valuable in research procedure. The Literature has been establish in relation to knowledge management such as knowledge hierarchy, what is knowledge, types of knowledge, SECI model, elements of knowledge management and its barriers, thus the study have attempted to explain this social phenomenon primarily in a descriptive manner also this study is partly exploratory and explanatory because it explored new review and defined the problems within the research area, by revealing how knowledge is transfer and managed and why components of knowledge management becomes barriers to particular organization. Furthermore compared to developed countries, the term knowledge management is relatively fresh to the third world countries like Pakistan therefore it is sited as exploratory. Saunders, M. et al., (2003) described the focal point in gathering data, rests in the heart of research onion which is encircled by diverse layers (see below figure 3.1) Figure 3.1 Saunders, M. et al., (2003, 2007) 3.3 Research Philosophy Saunders, M. et al., (2007), explained key research philosophy; first positivist approach n which researchers prefer to use current theories to build up hypothesis. Research is undertaken as value free way that means researcher cannot do alter the substance of data collection. It is also distressed with facts not impressions. Second realism, it is part of epistemology, alike to positivism and believes a scientific approach to the development of knowledge. The core of realism is that what the senses prove us as reality in truth. Saunders, M. et al., (2007) believed that realism is relevant for business and management research. And third interpretive approach, conducts research amongst people rather than objects. As the research topic itself greatly complex in nature and cover social aspects therefore it is not possible to answer research question by only yes or no responses. Therefore this research adopted interpretive approach where researcher interpreted the social roles of individual and concerned with middle and senior managers initiatives of knowledge management which boost performance of individual and group. The underpins of interpretive approach is gathering of data and then understanding of these data which is influenced by societal forces, individuals behavior and attitude. 3.4 Research Approach Different approaches can be use for research for instance; deductive or inductive. Deductive research begins with existing theories, concepts and formulates hypothesis that are later tested and confirmed (Gummesson, E. 2000, Saunders, M. et al., 2003). An inductive research begins with the real world data, it deals with anthology of data and then theory is erected from it (Gummesson, E. 2000, Saunders, M. et al., 2003). According to Blumberg, B. et al., (2005) we can never be confident in an inductive approach because it cannot be considered as faultless. This research adopt a deductive approach as the research will progress from the general theories to a more precise observation of the research topic and question. That means overall end result of this research cannot be generalized because observation is totally stand on specific organization and in specific period of time also deductive approach offering opportunity to confirming validity and reliability of facts. Deductive approach = Theory > Observations/findings Inductive approach = Observations/findings > Theory 3.5 Research Strategies Saunders, M. et al., (2007) described various research strategies which are useful to apply when gathering and analyzing empirical facts such as; experimentation, survey, case study, grounded theory, ethnography and action research. Which research strategy should apply depends on the nature, central point, scope, admittance, restrictions and existing sources for research, however Yin, R. (2003) provides three conditions to be relevant in order to choose which strategy to employ for research purpose: The kinds of research question asked. To what extent researcher has control over actual behavioral affairs or events. The degree of focus on contemporary, as apposed to historical, events. 3.6 Case study The appropriate strategy for this research is case study because the kind of research questions being asked how (they were implemented), why (they were taken) with what (results) forms, although what and how questions tend to be more the distress of the survey strategy. The case study strategy is mainly a lot used in explanatory and exploratory, and this research has already claimed it in the research purpose (see section 3.2) (Saunders, M. et al., 2007). The case study strategy, as acknowledged by Robson, C. (2002) preferable because researcher do not have control over events and it permits researcher to achieve strong viewpoint surrounding the research area and its development, it also occupies an empirical analysis of a particular phenomenon within its actual life context by several sources of evidence. Sauder, M. et al., (2007) suggested that if you are employing case study strategy you are probably need to use and triangulate several sources of data. Triangulation refers to the use of diverse data collection methods within one study such as interviews, observations, documentary analysis, questionnaires etc. in sequence to make certain that the data are telling you what you think they are telling you. In this research the qualitative data collected by using semi-structure interviews which is precious way of triangulating quantitative data collected by other means such as a questionnaire (details of data collection techniques discussed in section 3.8). According to Neuman, W. Kreugar, L. (2003) the majority of case studies entail qualitative data and nearly all qualitative research seeks to build illustrations based on it depth, detailed knowledge of cases, the qualitative and quantitative research approach discussed in the section 3.8.1 and 3.8.2 3.7 Time horizons Time scopes to research design are independent of which research strategy and method follow. Saunders, M. et al., (2007) proposed that while planning your research it is vital to know that whether the research is to be a cross-sectional (complete at a specific time) or longitudinal (complete in a prolong time period). Due to the time constrain this study has helped researcher to assemble questionnaire results and conduct interviews at once and these cannot be repeated, so the information collected by this manner will correspond to declaration of research over that time period which means that this research is Cross-sectional or completed on specific time. 3.8 Research method Research method or research design refers to organized, determined and rationally accumulation of data not only for analyzing purpose but for attaining information to resolve research questions. The preference of methods depends upon research problem and purpose and those methods cannot be worded as more suitable or appropriate. There are two fashionable methods: qualitative and quantitative. In the view of Ghauri, P. Gronhaug, K. (2005) the differentiation between qualitative and quantitative research has nothing to do with quality but it is related to procedure. 3.8.1 Qualitative method Qualitative research is one in which researcher frequently formulates knowledge claims based on constructivist perspective i.e. various meaning of individual experiences and measuring socially. Densombe, M. (2003) emphasized that qualitative research mostly focus on description, it employs words or experience as unit of analysis and when the study connected with small scale studies. Often the analysis phrase does not begin, although not always begins as soon as data collection starts. Strauss, A. Corbin, J. (1990) defined key elements of qualitative research are: Data gather by interviews. logical practices to conceptualize and assess data toward conclude findings Report written by researcher. According to Cooper, D. Schindler, P. (2003) qualitative data perceive as rich, complete, earthly, holistic and genuine, their face validity looks perfect and it also offers far more accurate method to assess. The drawbacks of qualitative data include; they are irrelevant to wider population and not statistically checked. 3.8.2 Quantitative method The nature of the quantitative approach is objective and focus on determining phenomenon (Hussey, J. Hussey, R. 1997). Questionnaires and surveys constitute quantitative research in which all questions are laid down in arrangement of Yes or No or likert scale and then assessed by statistical methods. Naude, P. et al., (1991) stated that quantitative methods are mathematical and statistical form, relates to numerous variable and their relationship. In quantitative research it is possible to analyze data when the data collection has been finished. The key advantage of quantitative approach; it is produces quantifiable and reliable data which is by and large relevant for vast population. It is more applicable for carrying out needs evaluation or for estimations contrasting conclusions with baseline records. The main cons of quantitative method; it is expensive and time consuming procedure but according to Robson, (C. 2002) softwares developed in modern world have made analysis of compl ex calculations easy to perform. 3.8.3 Mix Method In this research, researcher adopted both qualitative and quantitative methods because the research accumulated both types of data, that is minimized the limitations of each other. Data were collected from the questionnaires and interviews. It is crucial to have questionnaire in this research to explore individual working pattern in organization and their approaches to knowledge management. An additional positive characteristic of questionnaire; it is supported researcher in studying how individual employs theory into practice. Denscombe, M. (2003) declared that the combination of methods permit superior understanding of research problem as it helps retrieval of quantitative results from questionnaires which followed qualitative stuff like semi-structured interviews of senior managements which further revealed organizational and individual behavior and social functions. 3.9 Data collection methods In this research, the overall data collection process began from collecting secondary data in the form of literature review to the primary data which was gathered by researcher via survey questionnaires and taken interviews. Secondary data searched in the University of Glamorgan, Learning Resources Centre by typing the keyword; knowledge economy, knowledge management, barriers to knowledge management and components of knowledge management etc. These secondary data mostly reflects from textbooks, journal articles, magazines and websites to facilitate research objectives. As compare to primary data the most important benefit of exploiting secondary data is the gigantic saving in time and money resources (Ghauri, P. Gronhaug, K. 2005). 3.9.1 Questionnaire Questionnaire is one of the data collection methods where all respondents are required to respond similar questions in a specific order provided to them furthermore Saunders, M. et al., (2007) declared that questionnaire supports to analyze of individual responses more comprehensively. The key purpose of designing questionnaire in this research was to get substance of knowledge management approaches and current circumstances of knowledge management in the organization. The questionnaire was based on particular subject matters such as knowledge management with its basic components (People, Process, Technology and Culture) and barriers to knowledge management. According to Dillman, D.A. (2000) three kinds of data variable collected via questionnaire. Opinion Behavior Attribute First the way the research questionnaire was design in this research, is to get opinion what respondents feel about something or what they think or believe is true or false, second to record respondents behavior and experiences by what they did, do and will do through their attribute. Attribute include data about the respondents characteristics. Saunders, M. et al., (2007), classified two way of administer research questionnaire: (i) Interviewer-administered (the responses are recorded by researcher for e.g. market research). (ii) Self-administered (usually completed by respondents). This research employed self-administered questionnaire because the researcher has less amount of contact with the respondents and questionnaires simply filled by respondents. These questionnaires were administered via electronic web application ( Various advantages have been experienced by using electronic web survey tools such as; ease of automatic data entry, set occasional reminders for respondents, easy to analyze data through pie chart, line or bar chart etc. moreover respondents can complete questionnaires by multiple sitting or save their unfinished response. Yin, R. (2003) suggested that questionnaires diminish bias due to uniform question, even researchers own opinions does not influence respondent to answer questions in a certain manner which turn into actual facts. Although there are number of disadvantages associate to questionnaire as well for e.g. it take immense time to prepare questions, questionnaire possibly opt out or partially submit, it mig ht redirect to subordinates or fellow employees to fill out. Particularly in this research there is no opportunity for researcher to reword the phrases or further explain once the survey launched. The entire respondents were given guaranteed of anonymity (Easterby-Smith, M. et al., 2008). Respondents were given 20 days time to complete questionnaire and on an average it took 10-15 minutes to fill one questionnaire. Each questionnaire contains 25 questions including three different forms of questions; (i) agree disagree statement, (ii) multiple ticks and (iii) open end questions. 3.9.2 Interviews An interview is an intentional dialogue between two or more people. In the view of Saunders et al., (2007) interviews may be highly structured (based on predetermined and identical set of questions which is often called interviewer-administered questionnaire) or unstructured (informal and in depth-interview to explore a general idea) or semi-structured. Another types of interviews described by Healey, M. Rawlinson, M. (1993) standardized interview which is subject to quantitative analysis and non-standardized interviews that is subject to qualitative analysis. Semi-Structure Interviews For this research, semi-structure interviews used as a device for exploring and collecting qualitative data in which interviewer ask questions to interviewee to draw self-reports of their opinions, attitudes, or behaviors in relation to knowledge management. Three interviews were taken from different departments with managerial position. All interviews were recorded with the consent of respondents. Key themes were note down by the researcher as interviews were being conducted and the same questions asked to all interviewees in slightly different packaging, although the overall essence of questions did not change. The researcher conducted all the interviews by himself and further amplification provided during an interview when respondents misunderstand the questions. This clarification was necessary to bring respondents on right track for exploring research topic and research question. The duration of the interview was set up-to maximum 30 minuets. The telephone interviews were employed which is appropriate specifically in this research because of the geological distance and limited time. Also there are no sensitive matters involved which need to discuss via only face-to-face. Various other advantages such as good physical appearance of the interviewer is not require, however Babbie, E. (1995) suggested that interview can be successful if the interviewer is pleasant and kind during an interview. Simultaneously there are several disadvantages associated to telephone interview for example interviewees may lie and hide information. Visual cues and body languages become more difficult to observe. 3.10 Pilot work The reason behind piloting is to spot imperfections in research questions and then rectify it. Before launching questionnaire to real respondent, these questionnaires were initially piloted by sending web link to three classmates. Two problems were identified apart from questionnaire structure and the language used in questionnaire. First respondents got e-mail in their junk or trash folder instead of standard inbox folder which might lead less response rate and second the option to go on next page (next button) does not appear on actual screen which may result in partial response, however at last researcher has been successful to solve these issues by making some setting configurations on web application. 3.11 Sampling In the view of Bell, J. (1987) we do not need to engage each person in relation to study about population. Whereas Gill, J. (1991), described sampling as the population of interest that have been choose for study. Research usually required of those individual who are willing to provide information and these set of individuals known as sample. In this research the research question(s), its objectives, chosen research methodology (quantitative and qualitative) and research strategy (case study) dictate itself to select non-probability samples. Neuman, W. Kreugar, L. (2003) suggested that the majority of qualitative researches likely to employ non probability samples which means that researchers rarely decide the sample size in advance and they have partial awareness about population from which the sample is taken. Saunders et al., (2003) supported that non-probability sample widely used in case study research with small size samples. This sample would provide rich information of case study in which research question is explored. This research has been conducted on Pakistani company; the Company employs almost 150 staffs on several places. It was determined to use Company head office as sample size in this research where nearly 70 employees working on various position including management. Easterby-Smith, M. et al., (2008) stated that the sample selected may possibly bias which might be imitated on end results. To curtail bias and produce true result from this research, altogether fifty questionnaires were launch for employees working on head office irrespective of their age, genders, experiences and departments. Furthermore researcher conducted three interviews with different departmental managers, two of them are male and one is a female. 3.12 Validity Reliability According to McNeill, P. Chapman, S. (2005) validity refers to the dilemma of whether the information gathered is accurate of what is being studied. Denscombe, M. (2003) clarified that validity in a research signify that the mandatory information is studied and not anything more. Validity is when a theory, model and concept explain reality as it shows and it refers to the accuracy in the case study. This research employed both quantitative and qualitative methods which bring a practical, honest and unbiased account of social life from the point of view of someone who lives it each day (Neuman, W. Kreugar, L. (2003). Yin, R. (2003) and Denscombe, M. (2003) point out that reliability in a research reflects on the reality that the study is accomplished consistently and correctly. They suggested that identical conclusions could be attained, if carried out by other observers or under the same conditions. In this research questionnaire and follow up interviews were used to record and analyze data consistently. As the researcher employed telephone interviews which Saunders et al., (2007) believes that take longer time to construct trust between the interviewer and interviewees, visual prompts and non-verbal behavior may also influence the progress of the interview. In the view of Yin, R. (2003) case study strategy enhances the reliability of the research because it enables other researchers to follow the facts or data directly and not be constrained to the printed reports. Furthermore the sample section and methodological in this study may possibly be copied by other investigators to get same results. All the interviewees were consent to record interviews which further interprets our result and conclusion as trustworthy. At last, overall, the following steps were obtained to certify the reliability and validity of this research: The researcher used continuous guidelines from the supervisor for making survey and interview questions in an order to get most acceptable outcomes. All respondents were informed in advance as regards to take part for accomplishing this research. Questionnaires were completed within 20 days and the interviews were taken within 7 days, during these periods of time no key incident happen or changed with the related subject. Data were collected through web based application ( The researcher has no control over the modification of any answers provided by respondents. After finishing interviews, a brief summary of conversations sent to each interviewee by e-mail to make sure that what exactly they want to say and what the researcher understood. Also interviewees were asked if they find any thing which is differing from the point of view of researcher then they can correct it and reply back via e-mail. 3.13 Research ethics Blumberg, et al., (2005) viewed ethics as moral rules and principles, norms, standards or sets of behavior, that lead our relationships with others. Research ethics then narrates to questions about how research topic is plan and elucidate, how data is collected, process and store, how data is analyze and research findings are write up in a moral and responsible way. In this research, number of ethical considerations has been taken into account specially when gathering data through questionnaires and interviews. First the purpose of the study plus respondents participation was clearly explained. Second none of the respondents was intimidated to take part in research process and those who agreed to take part their verbal consent was attained. According to Bell, J. (1987), human rights protections for instance; autonomy from physical and mental hurt, privacy and confidentiality should maintain throughout research. To retain confidentiality no names were connected to data, however the researcher can recognizes which data belongs to whom and the persons name, who interviewed in this research were not displayed.

Friday, October 25, 2019

series reasons :: essays research papers

These are reasons from every Evangelion episode and movie. Most of the information isn't in order. I really hae to go back and fix that, but you can deal with it for now . . . Episode I: 1) Rei appears as a mirage in the the beginning. This could have many meanings, like it tell us what kind of person Shinji is. When Shinji met Rei in front of Eva Unit 01 later in the show, he looked at her, as if he'd seen her before. De ja vu = love, and I don't think they put that there for no readon. (Borrowed from Ryan Xavier's Shinji/Rei site) 2) Shinji pilots Evangelion Unit 01 (who has rejected everyone up to now) and uses it to fight the Third Angel just so Rei won't pilot it and get destroyed. We can call Rei the damsel in distress in this scene. Episode II: 1) We only see Rei one in this episode, and that's when she's on a stretcher. She merely gazes at Shinji, and Shinji gazes back. We all know Rei is a thinking person, questioning her feelings. She could be contemplating why this boy decided to pilot Unit 01 just so she wouldn't die. Remember, she is "expendable". Episode V: 1) Shinji notices that Rei is always alone. He wonders why, and continues to think about this "girl who has no friends". 2) He gropes over her. Accident or no accident, it's undeniably intamacy. Episode VI: 1) Shinji burns his hands and leaves permenant marks on them while trying to pull Rei out of the entry plug. After he sees Rei is alright, he breaks down in tears. I don't remember him doing so for anyone else. 2) Rei smiles for Shinji. The firt time in her fourteen years of life she does so for another person. (Gendou doesn't count, he was a parent figure) Episode IX: 1) Shinji and Asuka have been living in the same apartment, yet Shinji and Rei pull off a perfect synch during the synch training. Many people have said this is because Yui Ikari's soul is within Rei. Wrong. Yui's soul is within Unit 01. The perfect synch between the two could be a sign . . . Episode XI: 1) As the Eva Pilots are going to Nerv, and when the pilots are climbing the vents, Rei's eyes go to Shinji.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Argument Essay

The following passage comes from â€Å"The Common Life,† a 1994 essay by the American writer Scott Russell Sanders. Read the passage carefully and then write an essay that defends, challenges, or qualifies Sanders’ ideas about the relationship between the individual and society in the United States. Use specific evidence to support your position. A woman who recently moved from Los Angeles to Bloomington [Indiana] told me that she would not be able to stay here long, because she was already beginning to recognize people in the grocery stores, on the sidewalks, in the library. Being surrounded by familiar faces made her nervous, after years in a city where she could range about anonymously. Every traveler knows the sense of liberation that comes from journeying to a place where nobody expects anything of you. Everyone who has gone to college knows the exhilaration of slipping away from the watchful eyes of Mom and Dad. We all need seasons of withdrawal from responsibility. But if we make a career of being unaccountable, we have lost something essential to our humanity, and we may well become a burden or a threat to those around us. A community can support a number of people who are just passing through, or who care about no one’s needs but their own; the greater the proportion of such people, however, the more vulnerabl e the community, until eventually it breaks down†¦.Taking part in the common life means dwelling in a web of relationships, the many threads tugging at you while also holding you upright. PITFALL ONE: not understanding the task or the directions Make sure that you read the passage correctly and understand your task. Don’t get caught up in tangential issues. Figure out what Sanders’s central thesis is. This student had trouble understanding the issue: For example, when people get caught doing something wrong and they don’t want to admit to their mistakes, they sometimes think of a lie, which is a defense mechanism people use when in trouble. Who hasn’t lied at some time  in their lives? The guilt will haunt the lady in the passage who moved to Bloomington, tearing up everything in her life from inside then out. The example about the woman from Bloomington is not the central issue in this prompt—it is an example Sanders is giving to make his point. An EXAMPLE WILL NOT BE THE CLAIM, it will illustrate the claim. So, to determine the claim think about what point the example supports. PITFALL TWO: merely paraphrasing the passage If your whole essay consists of explaining what Sanders is saying in this passage, you will not score above a five out of nine. Resist the temptation to tell what the entire passage is saying. The readers know what the passage says. {This mistake seems especially common when the argument prompt is longer.} Refer to the claim of the passage in as few words as possible. Unlike the rhetorical analysis, you do not need to quote long sections of the passage—this eats up time and accomplishes very little. Your job here is to figure out and clarify what the central issue is and then to defend, challenge, or qualify that issue. In this passage, Sanders writes about the relationship between the individual and society. He talks about a lady that moved from Los Angeles to Bloomington, Indiana. She says she would not be able to stay long because she was already beginning to recognize people. Sanders writes that the lady gets nervous when she is recognized. She liked not being known and not having to get involved in that society. Sanders says that a couple of people like this help society run, but if there were too many, society would collapse. Society depends on some people to interact so that it can keep going. {If this were only the introduction, and the student followed up with an assertion that defended, challenged, or qualified Sanders’s assertion, this paragraph would be acceptable, although it’s not necessary to paraphrase this much. But when a paraphrase is your whole essay, you’re looking at a low score.} PITFALL THREE: not taking a definite stand This is one of the most common errors students make. You must have a definite opinion and state that opinion unequivocally, even if you are qualifying. And even if you don’t really have that opinion in real life. Sanders describes the relationship between the individual and society as a contrast. The individual is nervous around a too-familiar society. A society feels threatened by a great number of individuals that are unfamiliar. In a big city, most people become accustomed to unknown people because of the large population. However, in a small town where everybody knows everybody else, a newcomer might be seen as a threat to their way of life. In a small community, most people have their familiar routines. For the traveler, though, it is still a new opportunity for the community. The unknown traveler may be thought of as an alteration to their everyday routine. The essay above discusses the workings of a small town and a big city and makes some interesting observations about the contrast. The writer, however, never takes a definite stand on whether or not it is healthy to remove oneself completely from society. On the other hand, this writer takes a definite stand and backs it up with appropriate evidence: Sanders says that â€Å"we all need seasons of withdrawal from responsibility.† There are times when people need to forget about what others expect from them and do only what they feel is needed. (concession) While Sanders’s statements are true, people cannot live a responsibility-dodging life forever. He feels that if people are to do so, â€Å"We will have lost something essential to our humanity.† If everyone were to give up their responsibilities and do only what was best for themselves, then society would not function. Organizations would fall apart because people would no longer be able to work together. Eventually our entire government would break down and the nation would erupt into total chaos. The more careless people a community has, â€Å"the more vulnerable† the community becomes. Thus, people must learn to take responsibility for themselves rather than dodge  it. (assertion) PITFALL FOUR: using inappropriate or weak evidence to support your position The strength of your essay is in direct correlation to the strength of your evidence. Weak or inappropriate evidence will produce a weak paper and a low score. The readers are looking for writers who can write logically and reasonably, who can evaluate and analyze someone else’s argument, and who can find the best evidence to convince someone of their position. This student’s evidence has to do with crime rates: A small town culture is often seen as boring and old-fashioned, but it is just as important to our nation as any of the modern big cities. In New York City people have that opportunity to wander the city anonymously. Perhaps that is the reason why crime rates are so much higher in larger cities. People are far less likely to behave badly if people they know are watching them. This constant concern of others judging you is perhaps more beneficial than some may have you believe. It can get quite nerve-wracking to always be under watch, but those that watch you also come to your aid in times of need. For example, when you go out of town you can ask your ever-watchful neighbors to keep an eye on your house for peace of mind. If everyone went around with a total disregard for others, society would break down and the world would become a terrible almost primal place. This student effectively supports his position by reasoning that knowing someone is watching you may deter crime. He concedes (another way to reason logically) that it is bothersome to â€Å"always be under watch,† but those who watch you also watch over you. PITFALL FIVE: writing aN analysis of the passage instead of aN ARGUMENT Your job is not to analyze the way Sanders writes. Your job is to write an argument. Read the prompt. Sanders’s use of diction reveals his negative attitude toward wanderers†¦. Sanders uses a word with negative connotations when describing the twisting threads†¦. Sanders was accurate when he said  the many threads tug, yet hold one another upright. His metaphor identified individual lives as threads. The metaphor makes the reader reflect to a special blanket or person that brought them comfort, evoking emotional reactions.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Woman Hollering Creed

Morgan Sneed ENGL2006 Sandra Cisneros is an American writer best known for her first novel The House on Mango Street and her subsequent short story collection Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories. Her work experiments with literary forms and investigates emerging subject positions, which Cisneros herself attributes to growing up in a context of cultural hybridity and economic inequality that endowed her with unique stories to tell.Cisneros's early life provided many experiences she would later draw on as a writer: â€Å"born in Chicago, the child of a Mexican father and a Mexican American mother, Cisneros spent parts of her childhood in Texas and Mexico (1130). † Cisneros's work deals with the formation of Chicana identity, exploring the challenges of finding herself caught between Mexican and American cultures, facing the misogynist attitudes present in both these cultures, and experiencing poverty. For her insightful social critique and powerful prose style, Cisneros has achieved recognition far beyond Chicano and Latino communities.Using her position as an educator and writer, she began â€Å"to champion Chicana feminism, especially as this movement combines cultural issues with women’s concerns (1131)†. In Woman Hollering Creek, Cisneros â€Å"cultivates a sense of warmth and naive humor for her protagonists, qualities that are evident in introductory parts (1130). † This short story collection deals with the issues that young women faced. â€Å"What remains constant is the author’s view that by romanticizing sexual relations women cooperate with a male view that can be oppressive, even physically destructive†¦Ciseneros is ‘caught between here and there’.Yet ‘here’ and ‘there’ are not as dichotomous as young versus old, female versus male, or Mexico versus the United States (1130). † Woman Hollering Creek is a tale of tragedy and triumph. The story, told from the third person, begins by showing us the foreknowledge our protagonist Cleofilas’s father held concerning her fate. â€Å"†¦ Already did he divine the morning his daughter would raise her hand over her eyes, look south, and dream of returning to the chores that never ended, six good-for-nothing brothers, and one old man’s complaints (1131). Cleofilas is preparing to marry a Texas man, Juan Pedro Martinez Sanchez. If a critic were to take into account, external historical and social considerations when interpreting Sandra Cisneros's â€Å"Woman Hollering Creek†, his initial natural prejudice might be to view the modern Untied States more likely to provide women liberation from oppressive masculinity than Mexico. However, a closer reading of â€Å"Woman Hollering Creek† reveals the opposite true in this case. The U. S. own, which Cleofilas moves with her new husband, casts a distorted mirror image of the town from whence she came. This juxtaposition in the se tting, as well as the characters, symbols, and point of view, all combine to amass their weight toward one conclusion: life in the United States is less liberating for the Mexican woman than life in Mexico. The United States town, steeped in masculinity, is evidenced by the symbolism of the setting as well as by the characters. The primary character that takes an active part in Cleofilas's life, her husband, is masculine.Across the street is Maximiliano, so macho that he â€Å"was said to have killed his wife in an ice-house brawl† (1136). There is no feminine identity for Cleofilas to relate to in her neighbors; Dolores is no longer a mother and Soledad is no longer a wife. Dolores's garden, rather than being tranquil and feminine, serves to reinforce masculine dominance by showing the â€Å"red cockscombs, fringed and bleeding a thick menstrual color† (1133) foreshadow the abuse that would soon leave Cleofilas's lip split open so that it â€Å"bled an orchid of bloo d† (1134).The town has a city hall, an image of masculine rule, outside of which rests a large bronze pecan. In effect, it is a brass nut, an obviously masculine symbol for which the town possesses a â€Å"silly pride† (1135). Each of these components of setting and character has their feminine mirror in the Mexican town, which is therefore more hospitable to women. The primary character who takes a part in Cleofilas's life there is her father who seems to have taken over the mothering role of Cleofilas's deceased mother, making a promise, â€Å"I am your father I will never abandon you† (1131).All of her neighbors are women, and all have a sense of identity. â€Å"In the town where she grew up, there isn’t much to do except accompany the aunts and godmothers to the house of one or the other to play cards (1131). † Instead of a city hall, the town has a town center, which implies not masculine competition and rule but feminine cooperation. Instead o f a bronze pecan outside of the city hall, there is a â€Å"leafy zocalo in the center of town† (1135), suggesting fertility and femininity.In addition to providing a contrast between the feminine and the masculine, the relative setting of the towns also create a contrast between independence and dependence, â€Å"because the towns in the U. S. are built so that you have to depend on husbands†(1135). In the church in Mexico she could meet with other women and engage in â€Å"huddled whispering† (1135), but in the United States â€Å"the whispering begins at sunset at the icehouse instead† and she must sit â€Å"mute beside their conversation† (1135).TV and cinema are both readily available to Cleofilas in Mexico, but in Seguin, she has no TV, and can only glimpse a â€Å"few episodes† of her telenovela at Soledad's house. Even her one solid contact with a world outside her own, her book, is thrown by her husband â€Å"from across the roomâ €  (1136). Not only does the Mexican town provide more opportunities for independent action than the U. S. town, but it also provides alternatives for dependency. In Mexico, Cleofilas can depend on her father, brothers, aunts, and godmothers.In the United States, however, she has no such option, as the doctor says, â€Å"her family's all in Mexico† (1138). These contrasts between the dependence on the masculine necessitated by the U. S. town and the independence, or at least the variety of dependencies, afforded by the Mexican town become clearer as the story progresses. Initially, the narrator's point of view expresses a feeling of limitation in the Mexican town: In the town where she grew up, there is not very much to do except accompany the aunts and godmothers to the house of one or the other to play cards.Or walk to the cinema to see this week's film again, speckled and with one hair quivering annoyingly on the screen. Or to the center of town to order a milk shake th at will appear in a day and a half as a pimple on her backside. Or to the girlfriend's house to watch the latest telenovela episode and try to copy the way the women comb their hair, wear there makeup (1131). The language of this passage makes the town appear dull and limiting until compared with the language of a similar passage describing the northern town. â€Å"There is no place to go.Unless one counts the neighbor ladies. Soledad on one side, Dolores on the other. Or the creek† (1136). By contrasting these passages, we can see the narrator's point of view. The Mexican town is not limited compared to the United States town. There are variety of options. The narrator's point of view becomes abundantly clear as Cleofilas crosses Woman Hollering Creek on her way home to Mexico. Initially, the point of view is negative. When moving to her new home with her husband, Cleofilas wants to know whether â€Å"the woman has hollered from anger or pain† (1133).Crossing that riv er to her new home is like crossing into a world of both anger and pain. However, leaving that world, and crossing the river returning to her father endows Cleofilas with a fresh perspective. Her companion hollers when they cross the river, but not in either anger or pain. She hollers â€Å"like Tarzan† (1138). Cleofilas had expected â€Å"pain or rage, perhaps, but not a hoot like the one Felice had just let go† (1139). Therefore, â€Å"Woman Hollering Creek†, becomes a triumphant return to a home of peace and love and an escape from what her father had known all along.